Doctrine & Covenants 2021

Weekly Study Lessons on Doctrine and Covenants, 2021

(For Book of Mormon Study Notes 2020 Click Here.)

No Lesson This Week (May 23)…

Or next. My apologies if you have popped in expecting to join for the last couple of week also. It’s been a crazy random sequence of events that have stepped in to interfere with this weekly lesson routine. Don’t give up though, I plan on returning on June 13th, so mark your calendar and join us then. 🙂

Study Resources:
History During Book of Mormon Translation Timeframe
History During Joseph Smith Bible Translation Timeframe

Notes and Lessons:

D&C 84

1 Aug 2021
Original Lesson Notes
Lesson Revisited

D&C 18-19

28 Feb 2021
No class today – Jay traveling to meet up with friends in Provo. But I did prepare a lesson. See notes below:
Lesson Notes

D&C 12-13; JSH 1:66–75

14 Feb 2021
Lesson Notes
History During Book of Mormon Translation

D&C 6-9

31 Jan 2021
Lesson Notes
The Pump

Sacrament Talk

Things Anew – Sacrament Meeting Talk, 10 Jan 2021

The Day of the Lord – Second Coming

27 Dec 2020
See notes and discussion here.