Book of Mormon Study Lessons

On 12 March 2020, the First Presidency temporarily suspended all gathering of church members worldwide due to conditions related to COVID-19 throughout the world. We began holding our own Sunday School lessons at home. After the second week of quarantined church at home I invited my children and other family and friends to join our weekly Sunday Book of Mormon study discussions via online video sharing. These study sessions have continued and can be accessed below.

Audio versions of the following lessons can be accessed here.

In the following lessons I have given frequent reference to the English-Jewish translation of the Book of Mormon titled The Stick of Joseph in the Hand of Ephraim which you can access here.

Go here for Doctrine and Covenants 2021


Moroni 10

20 Dec 2020
Video Link
Lesson Notes

Moroni 7-9

13 Dec 2020
Video Link
Lesson Notes
Patriarch Timeline

Moroni 1-6

6 Dec 2020
Video Link
Lesson Notes

Ether 12-15

29 Nov 2020
Video Link
Lesson Notes

Ether 6-11

22 Nov 2020
Video Link
Lesson Notes

Ether 1-5

15 Nov 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
Reference Pictures:
Brother of Jared with Stones
Book of Ether – 5 Pins on the Map
Jaradites from Pacific
Jaradites from Atlantic
18 Stones
Jaradites in North America, Wayne May

Mormon 7-9

8 Nov 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Mormon 1-6

1 Nov 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
Map – Mormon 2
Map – Mormon 3-5
Map – Mormon 4:23

3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi

25 Oct 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

3 Nephi 20-26

18 Oct. 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

3 Nephi 17-19

11 Oct. 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

3 Nephi 12-16

27 Sep 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
Take up Our Cross (Elder’s quorum lesson)

3 Nephi 8-11

20 Sep 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Helaman 7 – 3 Nephi 7

13 Sep 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Helaman 1-6

23 Aug 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
Sea West Map

Alma 53-63

16 Aug 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
A Young Warrior’s Last Thought is for Mother

Alma 43-52

9 Aug 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
Book of Mormon in North America
Hugh Nibley, The Garment of Joseph

Alma 39-42

2 Aug 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Alma 36-38

26 Jul 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
Chiasmus in Alma 36
Brief Introduction to Chiasmus in Alma 36 (video)
Alma and the Four Sons of the Passover Seder
A Book of Mormon Mystery

Alma 32-35

19 Jul 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Alma 30-31

12 Jul, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Alma 23-29

5 Jul, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Alma 17-22

28 Jun 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Alma 13-16

21 Jun, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
Alma & Amulek at meal
Alma & Amulek in prison

Alma 5-12

14 Jun, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Unity in Humanity, Interfaith Celebration

7 Jun, 2020
This week I attended an online Interfaith Celebration event that conflicted with my regularly scheduled Sunday School study lesson. It was an incredible meeting with presenters from several different faiths. Watch the replay here.

Mosiah 29-Alma 4

31 May, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Mosiah 25-28

24 May, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Mosiah 18-24

17 May, 2020
Video Link
Study Notes
What Do We Learn from The Dead Sea Scrolls About Our Own Covenant with God?
Limhi, Alma, and Passover Patterns

Mosiah 11-17

10 May, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Mosiah 7-10

3 May, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Mosiah 4-6

26 April, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Mosiah 1-3

19 April, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
Chat Text


12 April, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes

Jacob 5

29 March, 2020
Video Link (YouTube)
Lesson Notes
